a uniquely inventive & versatile director






A more active camera

Everything about our world should support the central values of authenticity, intelligence, and clarity. 

Our cinematography should incorporate fluid camera movement, enhancing Beth’s conversational tone and naturalism.  These camera moves should be steady and subtle, with Beth’s performance and natural movement driving the speed of the dolly moves as she walks toward camera. 

Similarly, we should incorporate camera moves for the real-world vignettes inside the screen, so that they echo the overall motion of the shot, and help the scenes to feel more integrated with our Nasacort world.  These camera moves will not be aggressive – they’ll simply seek to make each scene more cinematic and emphasize the key emotion (negative for suffering and positive for relief) of each moment.

In addition to adding camera moves, I’d like to add more visual variety and context by incorporating wider shots of Beth that show her head-to-toe as she’s walking.  These wider shots (which will also utilize dolly moves) will help the Nasacort world to feel more like a real place, and also give us more screen space to position our information design.