Our teaser films must grab the attention of viewers, and combine football and air travel in a surprising way that makes them smile.
Our humor comes from seemingly natural situations that become surprising – cleverly mixing these two worlds of airline travel and football together. It demands that we create the illusion of an authentic football environment as our opening – and then create a very fast reveal to our payoff, which is the luxury air travel amenity that makes football even better.
This is a classic one-two punch – a quick “ordinary world” set-up and a punchline that features an offbeat combination of elements. Our characters and their performances will be vital – and should be very naturalistic, as if everything that happens is an accepted part of the game.
We must also build humor from the characters’ reactions to this added luxury. From the Coach’s reproachful look in “The Seat,” to the way the other players and the referees react to our player being pampered in “Hot Towel” – there should be a sense that people appreciate this added luxury. And if they can’t have it (i.e., the goalkeeper can’t get a hot towel), they could be naturally envious, too.
In brief comedy scenes like these, we must examine every opportunity and detail to make the experience funnier for the audience. Therefore, we should write and shoot a variety of performance options for each comedy moment, so we have the chance to improve our films further in the edit.