We’ll create a confident balance of grounded humanity, lofty visuals, and playful, inventive scenes – all working together to effortlessly capture the essence of our positive chain reactions.
As mentioned, this special message deserves to be told in an extraordinary way. So we’ll create a deft balance of elements, telling the heart of our story with an editorial approach that energetically carries us between amazing cinematic shots, grounded story moments, offbeat and light-hearted scenes, and the humanity that comes from great character reactions – and we’ll also occasionally punctuate those scenes with inspired visuals that help convey the campaign’s core message.
Tilting the balance too far in the direction of any one approach creates different kinds of potential shortcomings, depending on the issue. For instance, while most of the shots we create will be entirely in-camera and cinematic, if our storytelling is too conventional (i.e., a straight editorial approach), we risk losing the attention of viewers – or we miss out on fully capturing just how amazing these changes are.
On the other hand, if our visuals are too overwhelmingly unique, we risk losing the power of a simple, truthful message that small changes in energy conservation can lead to big things. So our visuals must strongly connect to our themes and story needs, or we can’t use them. That’s why I’ve developed several types of visual ideas, and given us the flexibility to choose a la carte to dial up or down depending on the narrative flow of each spot.
Similarly, these films should inspire people, and make them smile with moments of unique humor, especially when it dramatizes a moment in the script like the “hottest thing since habanero” moment, or the model train set invading on the everyday life of our family. I love the idea of adding lighthearted, human moments to punctuate our fast-paced edits, especially to end big on a playful and visual note – but dipping too far into comedy runs the danger of undermining the fact that these are real-world benefits that we want people to mirror in their own lives.
So again, we’ll create a balance, well before the shoot, and precisely storyboard exactly what we’re doing, along with approximately how long each shot will last. This won’t be to lock us in to the edit – only to make a conscious and informed collaborative choice about creating the perfect voice to share this message.